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Friday, April 28, 2017

My End of The School Year Goals

The end of the school year is coming and I'm super excited but also pretty sad to end 8th grade. I really want to finish 8th grade strongly, so I'll get a stronger start for my freshman year. And, I have some goals I want to achieve for the end of 8th grade. My first goal would probably studying and doing well on the finals. I'm super nervous for finals so my goal would be, "Don't be nervous and try your best for the 8th grade finals". My next goal would be finishing off the 8th grade year with all A's. I haven't gotten all A's since sixth grade! I used to be obsessed with getting all A's but ever since I got that one B in Spanish in 7th grade, I kind of stopped caring about my grades. But because I stopped caring, I started getting C's!! So I want to finish 8th grade with all straight A's. That way, I'll feel very proud of myself. My third goal would be to just be confident in ending the 8th grade and confident and achieving my goals.


  1. Great goal in finishing strong to help yourself get set for high school. Work hard but enjoy these last weeks of GMS as well.

  2. Nice blog post, Grace! Our goals for the end of the school year are pretty similar.
