About Me

Thursday, October 20, 2016

My Childhood Imaginary Best Friend

When I was in 3rd grade, I had an imaginary best friend. She was a fairy with ice powers and water powers. We would always go through adventures fighting off the evil fairies and pirates. I named Misty after my bike because, I had this really pretty bike that was light pink and blue. It had sparkly streamers on the handles and on the wheels it had purple, pink, and blue charms that were moons and stars. And of course, on the bike it said Misty. Misty would follow me everywhere because she was practically attached to me everywhere we went. I sometimes would talk to her outside of my home but, people stared so I stopped. I was a pretty weird child. My sister always thought I was crazy because I had an imaginary friend and she didn't. One time I had a church friend named Jenny and she had an imaginary friend who had fire powers. I forgot what her name was though. Anyways, Jenny and I would play with our fairies at the park. I also had these orbeez and they would be the magical power balls that gave Misty a bunch of other powers but only for 20 minutes. Whenever I would go to Jenny's house, we would pretend that they would hide in the lights in her house and we would try to find them. I had so much fun when I was a childhood, and I'm pretty proud now since I was super creative back then. Now, not so much. I don't play with Misty of course because I'm older now, but if I could go back in time I would go back to 3rd grade. 


  1. OMG!! Remember in 5th grade we brought Misty "back" and we would play with her at recess.. and had one to. I don't remember the name though. Didn't Misty have like 50 kids?

  2. You're still creative. I don't remember having any imaginary friends. When I was little, a cat lived in the apartment above me, and I would always play with her.

  3. Thats so cool! I never had an imaginary friend when I was younger because I had a twin sister and cousins that were around my age. You imaginary fairy seems pretty cool too. I always wondered how it would be like to have one. This kinda reminds of Inside Out when Joy and Sadness met up with Riley's old imaginary friend. I forget his name though. I would like to agree to what you said about being creative during childhood because then we all had different dreams and imagines that we absolutely believed in which made us creative in our own ways. Now as being teenagers we deal with so much reality due to almost being an adult in a couple of years. It has to happen someday, and our creative changes throughout time.
