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Saturday, November 12, 2016

Food, Glorious Food

During school days, I don't really eat breakfast at all because I'm always in a hurry for the bus. But, if I had one morning where I didn't have to rush to make it on time for the bus, I would eat my "dream breakfast". I know that sounds a little weird but that's what I would call it. My "dream breakfast" would include chocolate milk and three pancakes layered on top of each other. But, not just any pancake, a chocolate chip pancake! What's kind of weird is that I don't like chocolate in general like a chocolate bar, but I do like food containing chocolate. Anyways, on top of my pancakes, there would be whip cream on the center of my pancakes with a cherry on the top. Also a plate of strawberries on the side would be great too. 

1 comment:

  1. Grace this breakfast sounds very good! If I ever had time to have breakfast in the morning before school I'd probably eat chocolate milk, buttermilk pancakes with warm butter pecan syrup with little butter on top, scrambled eggs, bacon, and two pieces of sausage. I'd be happy everyday.
