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Friday, September 23, 2016

Favorite Quotes

Image result for smile while you have teethThis quote is one of my favorite quote because I think everyone should smile everyday, every time. And like the quote says, "Life is short, Smile while you still have teeth", it's true because if you don't smile enough, you'll get wrinkles. Do you want wrinkles? If you don't want wrinkles then smile everyday! Smiling is also contagious. If you smile at someone then you get a smile back!
This is my favorite quote because this quote is so true! I think anything you wish or dream of you can make anything come true if you just do it.


  1. Love the blog, Grace! I love Wilbur the pig and your background. CUPCAKESSSS!!!!

  2. Grace, I love your blog almost as much as I love you. I love your background.... But it makes me hungry. I love your pig, how you do that? love you <3


  4. Grace, I love this quote so much because its true. To me, you should at least smile twice a day so you will know at the end of the day you still have a reason to be happy. And plus sadly there will come in the future that when we are older that we will lose teeth and have bad health because our body is slowing shutting down due to it functioning for a long time. I like you other quote because all people should know that if you like something regardless of what it is and you wish you could do that either now or in the future you should do it. You shouldn't let people bring you down because they don't like what you want to become. If they don't like it they don't need to be in your life, do what you like. Positive attitude throughout your life can bring great things.
