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Monday, February 6, 2017

Dear Donald Trump

Dear President Trump,
         I don't know much about politics but I'm here to write to you because, the actions you've been doing are things I mostly disagree on. First of all, I know you want to build a wall which isn't a good thing. Many other countries don't like America but that doesn't mean you should want to build a wall, because, what about those countries that don't hate us and want to come to America. There's only a few that hate us. And second of all, I don't get why you don't want immigrants coming to our country. I know that some people are bad and they've committed crimes and they want to come into our country. And also you want to protect us. But what about those who want to visit their families. Or if a family or friend is sick. That's the worst part of all. Your decisions are decisions I strongly disagree on.

                                                                                                       a disappointed Citizen 

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